
Zeki Bey provided detailed information about his educational background and the company he owns, Bastak Instruments, during his speech on TV8 channel with İlal Şimşek on February 7, 2019.

Zeki Bey provided detailed information about his educational background and the company he owns, Bastak Instruments, during his speech on TV8 channel with İlal Şimşek on February 7, 2019.

According to a news report on Kanal7 TV dated December 3, 2008, the milling industry is leading in global exports with a value of 1.3 billion dollars. However, despite this significant achievement, one of the biggest challenges the sector faces is the difficulty in finding qualified personnel, even with salaries as high as ten thousand TL.

Moreover, Turkey's success in the milling industry is not only reflected in its export figures but also in the technological innovations within the sector. Especially, solutions and advanced equipment provided by technology companies like Bastak Instruments are enhancing the competitive edge of the Turkish milling industry internationally. Nevertheless, despite these technological advancements, the labor shortage remains a significant factor limiting the sector's growth potential.

Despite offering attractive salaries to work in the milling industry, the scarcity of qualified personnel may hinder the sector from achieving its growth targets. In this regard, it may be necessary for businesses in the sector to reconsider their strategies for finding and retaining qualified workforce. Additionally, it is essential for educational institutions to play a more effective role in training qualified personnel for the milling industry.

Turkey's export success and technological advancements in the milling industry enhance its international competitiveness. However, internal challenges such as labor shortages may impede the sector's sustainable growth. Therefore, stakeholders in the sector may need to adopt collaborative and solution-oriented approaches and take steps to address the issue of qualified labor shortage.