
"DESMUD fully supports Vocational Training Centers and Vocational Training Project!

"DESMUD fully supports Vocational Training Centers and Vocational Training Project!

"DESMUD fully supports Vocational Training Centers and Vocational Training Project!

Regarding the target set by our esteemed President to include 1 million of our youth in Vocational Training Centers by the end of the year; 'As DESMUD, we have tried our best to fulfill our duty regarding vocational training. With the support of our current Minister Mr. Mahmut Özer, according to the protocol we signed with the Ministry of National Education on Vocational Training in 2017, we have opened departments in Konya, Çorum, and Gaziantep, and our students continue their education in relevant departments. Additionally, we provide scholarships, internship opportunities, and job guarantees to our students studying in these departments. We wholeheartedly support this project opened by our esteemed President.' Additionally, we expect support from our Minister Mr. Mahmut Özer for our other Vocational Training and Education Center projects.

Demirtaşoğlu also stated; 'We have recognized the need for this project long ago, and as a sector that exports 2.5 billion dollars, we will always be supporters and followers of such Vocational Training projects to meet the blue-collar workforce needs for improving our infrastructure. Furthermore, our discussions with the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) regarding the opening of the Flour and Science Technology Department are ongoing, and we hope to meet our white-collar workforce needs with this department.'"