
President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu meets with the members of DESMÜD operating in Çorum to gather information about their activities. During the visits held in a sincere atmosphere, President Demirtaşoğlu also finds an opportunity to discuss the requests and need

President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu meets with the members of DESMÜD operating in Çorum to gather information about their activities. During the visits held in a sincere atmosphere, President Demirtaşoğlu also finds an opportunity to discuss the requests and need

President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu meets with the members of DESMÜD operating in Çorum to gather information about their activities. During the visits held in a sincere atmosphere, President Demirtaşoğlu also finds an opportunity to discuss the requests and needs of member companies.

President Demirtaşoğlu, who expresses that he has been considering making these visits for a long time, mentions the difficulty in finding a common time due to his and the members' busy schedules. However, he expresses his satisfaction with finally having the opportunity to make these visits, albeit late.

Expressing gratitude for the interest shown to him, Mr. Zeki Demirtaşoğlu adds that he will also visit member companies in other cities very soon.