
Press Release from our President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Turkey

Press Release from our President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Turkey

Press Release from our President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Turkey

Our struggle for independence, fueled by the spirit of unity, solidarity, and independence, culminated in the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. However, this path was by no means easy. Following the 3.5-year-long War of Independence, when the Republic of Turkey was founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Turkey was a country with a small population, weak economy, and insignificant influence on the world stage. As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Republic, we can confidently say that Turkey now stands among the world's most important countries.

While we may not be the richest country in the world economically or among the leading nations, our hosting of ancient cultures since the dawn of history, being one of the richest countries in terms of agricultural, plant, and animal genetic diversity, utilizing this wealth effectively in agricultural and industrial productivity, our resilience to overcome any difficult situation, and the joy of life as the Republic of Turkey, all prove that our country is now one of the world's important nations.

Having emerged from a long War of Independence, being economically dependent on foreign countries, missing out on the industrial revolution, and being a country with only four factories, today, Turkey has transformed into a Republic of Turkey that has strengthened its economic independence by establishing hundreds of factories through the national understanding of economic development efforts and by reducing imports and increasing exports. The foundation of a country's independence is undoubtedly its economic power. And achieving this power requires production. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who said, "Independence is my character," laid the foundations of Turkey's independence through the industrial revolution he realized despite the existing economic wreckage in the early years of the Republic. These efforts, which began with the industrial revolution, are now being sincerely continued by the diligent and hardworking industrialists of our country. Turkey, a young country of 100 years that emerged from the wreckage of the War of Independence, undoubtedly won its second war, in the field of economic development. The young Republic of Turkey, which did not produce, was dependent on imports, and was in debt, was well aware of its great responsibility. Therefore; The goals of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades were great, and their burdens were heavy.

The national goal was clear. It was not difficult to find ways to reach it. What mattered was to work sincerely and diligently on those difficult paths. Everything needed for this was available, but it was necessary to work, work, and work diligently. Naturally, wealth and the prosperity and happiness that naturally result from it can only be achieved as a result of this hard work. At this point we have come, we must celebrate and perpetuate our Republic, which is one of the most powerful features that make our country very strong, with even more enthusiasm on its 100th anniversary. We must know that we need to work hard for a Republic of Turkey in the future and a flag at the top.

As the Association of Mill and Sectoral Machinery Manufacturers (DESMÜD), on the hundredth anniversary of the Republic, as we enthusiastically celebrate our Republic Day as a nation, we also promise once again that we will work towards our goal of "going forward and always forward", which is one of the most important goals of our republic. We, here again, consider it a debt of loyalty to commemorate the founder of our Republic, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, our heroic comrades in arms, our dear martyrs, and our veterans with mercy and gratitude.

Long Live the Republic, Long Live.