
We Hosted Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology, Mr. Hasan Büyükdede.

We Hosted Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology, Mr. Hasan Büyükdede.

We Hosted Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology, Mr. Hasan Büyükdede.

During the visit, Demirtaşoğlu and accompanying industrialists briefed Mr. Hasan Büyükdede on the latest developments in the sector, as well as the problems and solution proposals at the Saray Industrial Site. Demirtaşoğlu emphasized that the current export amount of the sector is 2.2 Billion dollars and highlighted that the sector is progressing steadily towards the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey in 2023. He stated that the target for the year 2023 is 3.5 Billion dollars.

Demirtaşoğlu expressed his satisfaction with the rapid progress made in resolving the sector's problems following discussions with Mr. Varank. Among the previously discussed issues is the removal of customs duties on stainless steel material used as raw material but not produced domestically. He stated, "In our country, there is a 12% Customs Duty on stainless steel flat products with a width of more than 500mm produced domestically, with no additional customs duty. In addition, stainless steel products with a length and width of less than 500mm, which are not produced in our country, are not subject to customs duty. As mentioned, the customs duty applied to stainless steel flat products with a width of more than 500mm is aimed at protecting domestic producers, and it is considered that this rate could be reduced to around 3% - 4% through sector evaluations, rather than abolishing it completely."

Regarding the need for intermediate/qualified personnel in the sector and the planned establishment of a "Milling Campus" in Ankara, it is deemed appropriate by the Ministry to undertake efforts to train personnel for the mill machinery sector, as in other manufacturing sectors. In addition, it was stated that if DESMUD's preliminary preparation works are finalized, the Ministry will closely follow the matter and make necessary initiatives with the Ministry of National Education.

Regarding the application of additional customs duty to milling machines imported from China, it is evaluated by our Ministry that there is no need for an increase due to the strength of our sector. The current customs duty applied to machinery is 1.7%, and an additional customs duty of 20% is applied.

DESMUD President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu stated that they consider the establishment of the Export Development Joint Stock Company (İGE) in cooperation with TİM and Eximbank as a very positive development for the sector and requested that this formation be put into operation before the end of 2021. Among the general demands of industrialists highlighted were reducing or eliminating the obligation to employ disabled personnel due to the inability to find disabled personnel, and providing more support to industrialists in terms of information-documentation regarding the withdrawal of support for overseas trade fair visits.


Upon the request regarding the current infrastructure and other problems of the industrialists in the region, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Hasan Büyükdede stated in his speech that the Saray Industrial Zone is an area that attracts investors with many advantages and is a production area where industrialists want to grow. He stated that they are eager to solve the infrastructure problems such as electricity, roads, etc., of such potential areas urgently. As the first concrete step in this regard, he announced the ongoing efforts on the "Industrial Zones Rehabilitation Law," which is nearing completion as a project. Thus, it was stated that the problems related to infrastructure such as roads, electricity, etc., in potential areas like the Saray Industrial Zone will be resolved.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Hasan Büyükdede, together with DESMUD President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, conducted on-site inspections to enable the Saray Industrial Zone to develop and achieve its long-term goals, and had the opportunity to directly discuss the problems of the regional industrialists.

At the end of the discussions, Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, President of the Milling and Machinery Manufacturers Association, presented their gifts to Mr. Hasan Büyükdede.