
Çorum's name must definitely be at Merzifon Airport,' says the statement.

Çorum's name must definitely be at Merzifon Airport,' says the statement.

Speaking at a meeting organized to increase cooperation between the education and industry sectors and to train the future workforce, Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, President of the Milling Machinery and Industry Machinery Manufacturers Association (DESMÜD), stated that Çorum is a branded city, and despite being a province with over a billion dollars in exports, the absence of the name 'Çorum' at an airport creates difficulties for both the Çorum industry and industrialists. He said, "I believe Çorum is a branded city. I don't know how many cities in the Republic of Turkey have so many machinery manufacturers that are branded internationally. I want the name 'Çorum' to be at the airport between Amasya and Çorum. Because when you export to countries, they say why should we fly elsewhere when coming to Çorum. The essence of export is being able to go to a place with only one flight. Waiting times for each flight are a waste of time. Our guests should be able to fly directly to Çorum while flying."

In order to increase cooperation between the education and industry sectors and to train the future workforce, the Milling Machinery and Industry Machinery Manufacturers Association (DESMÜD) organized a breakfast working meeting at TOBB-OSB Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in Çorum.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Provincial Director of National Education Tahir Demir, DESMÜD President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, TOBB-OSB Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Principal Ömer Ergül, and instructors of the milling department at TOBB-OSB Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School.

Speaking at the meeting, Provincial Director of National Education Tahir Demir stated that the Ministry of National Education is undertaking significant efforts regarding vocational education, saying, "There will be great benefits to our country from vocational education in the coming years. We are striving to educate students to do their best. We will manage the process by establishing relationships between our schools and the sectors."

DESMÜD President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu emphasized the importance of vocational high schools for qualified, trained workforce, stating, "In 2017, we opened milling departments in three cities, including Konya, Çorum, and Gaziantep. In Ankara, we provided training courses for trainers. Our meetings continue. Especially for children who do not consider university education, training should be provided in collaboration with businesses. Such programs should become widespread in Turkey. We must support these children. This high school is an opportunity for Çorum. If we do not take care of these children, we cannot retain them. I request support from our industry stakeholders in Çorum in this regard. We want you to come to school more often and accept children into your businesses."


Ömer Ergül, Principal of TOBB-OSB Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, stated that they graduated their fifth class this year and that 24% of the graduates started working in their fields.

Ergül, stating that only 10% of the students graduating from vocational high schools nationwide start working in their fields, said that as Çorum TOBB-OSB Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, they have achieved success above the Turkey average in this regard.

Ergül also mentioned their difficulties in terms of food and transportation, expecting support from industrialists. He said, "Currently, we have 232 students along with 26 administrative staff and 2 assistant service personnel, we will start the academic year. We have an urgent issue, we do not have a place for the cafeteria and in the past years, meal services were provided by catering companies with the support of our industrialists. Since the school was opened, we have been making necessary efforts. Until the pandemic period started, no service fee or meal fee was charged. First the service fee and then the meal fee were discontinued. Until this year, we brought it with the support of our industrialists. There is no result regarding the meal issue this year. Our student profile is not capable of covering the cost of paid meals. We urgently need help regarding this."