Bastak Academy

Bastak Instruments has consolidated its education and talent development activities under the umbrella of "Bastak Academy

Bastak Instruments has consolidated its education and talent development activities under the umbrella of "Bastak Academy." Within this framework, there are corporate, professional, personal, and leadership training programs. Bastak Academy aims to provide opportunities for career development by viewing each colleague, customer, and anyone interested in this field as a "talent." It strives to create a continuous learning environment by offering online and face-to-face training at the factory, articles, and academic studies, and endeavors to achieve equal opportunities in education. In this context, Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, the manager of Bastak Instruments, held a seminar with students at Yıldırım Beyazıt University. In this seminar, information was provided about the importance of R&D and the role of companies in innovation processes, and ideas about developments in the industry were conveyed to the students. This interactive meeting aimed to contribute to the development of young talents who will work in the field of R&D and innovation in the future by directly communicating with students.