Bastak Academy
- Welcome to Bastak Academy!
- Bastak Academy at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Career Days!
- Ankara University Students Visited Our Factory
- Bastak Academy: Trainings that build the future in food safety and quality
- IAOM MEA 2024, Lusaka Zambia Zeki Demirtaşoğlu Speech
- Bastak & DESMÜD Değirmencilik Semineri
- 11th Ordinary Distributor Training Programme
- "The Path to Success in the Business World: Zeki Demirtaşoğlu's Roadmap for Young Entrepreneurs"
- Bastak Instruments has consolidated its education and talent development activities under the umbrella of "Bastak Academy
- 15th ICC Congress in Istanbul,
- Bastak Instruments' project engineer and food engineer Esra Zeynep Arslan delivered an impressive speech at the ICC Bread and Flour Congress held in Croatia, providing information on quality control in dough using state-of-the-art dough analysis devices,
- Thank you for your keen interest in our Wheat and Flour Quality Classification Seminar held at Mardin Anemon Hotel on September 14, 2023, with the opportunity for online participation!
- "Embark on an Innovative Entrepreneurial Journey with Bastak Instruments and Bastak Academy"
- Founder of Bastak Instruments, Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, delivered an impressive speech on the importance of quality control and optimization in the flour and wheat industry at the ICC Conference in China. This speech once again emphasized the company's leadersh
- Bastak Instruments Showcased Its Latest Technologies at Milltech 2022
- Zeki Demirtaşoğlu's Speech at the ICC Bread and Flour Congress: A Vision on Innovation and Quality
- "Bastak Instruments: Leadership Mission in Flour Quality"
- Founder of Bastak Instruments, Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, shed light on the quality control parameters of wheat in production with his presentation at the ICC Conference in Mexico.
- "Zeki Bey's Speech at ICC Russia Milltech, September 9-12"
- "ICC Taiwan Taipei Presentation by Mr. Zeki"
- "Customer-Centric Approach: Bastak Instruments' Device Training in Indonesia"
- "Visit from Kazakhstan to Bastak Instruments: A Step Ahead in Food Safety and Quality Control"
- "Staff Training New Year Pine Hotel"
- "Our Personnel Trainings Continue Uninterrupted with Our Personal Development Expert."
- Expert Lab. Antalya Training Seminar
- Perandele WMT Tuyap Fair
- The seminar of Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, the founder of Bastak Instruments, in Algeria.
- Bastak Academy thanks its team and all participants of the milling seminar.
- 11th Ordinary Distributor Training program Cezayir and Oman
- Bastak Instruments Shines at the 15th International Cereal and Bread Congress
- Bastak Instruments: The Journey of Wheat and Its Products in Human History
- Bastak Instruments Draws Attention at the Latin America International Association of Operative Millers Conference
- Bastak Made a Mark at TUSAF 15th International Congress and Expo
- DESMUD | MILLING MACHINERY MANUFACTURER ASSOCIATION Announces Collaboration with Bastak Instruments
- Bastak Instruments Takes Center Stage at Milling Machinery Fair
- Bastak Teknoloji Sistemleri Eğitim Semineri Kızılcahamam
- ICC China Milling Conference
- Bastak Instruments Shines at 8th International Congress and 10th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists "Flour-Bread '15"
- "Bastak Instruments Leads the Way at the 9th International Symposium of Food Science"
- Bastak Instruments' presentation at the STIM Colombia Fair
T.C Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı tarafından onaylı ülkemizin ilk ve tek AR-GE merkezi olan Bastak Teknoloji Sistemleri A.Ş ve DESMUD organizasyonu olan 'Değirmencilik Semineri' 28 Nisan 2023'de saygıdeğer hocalarımız; Prof. Dr. Nusret Zencirci, Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel, Prof. Dr. M. Sertaç Özer'in ve sektördeki değerli paydaşlarımızın çok geniş bir katılımı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.