
Grain Ex Africa, Tanzanya'da son teknoloji kalite kontrol cihazlarımız ile yerimizi aldık ve sektördeki liderliğimizi bir kez daha gösterdik!

Grain Ex Africa, Tanzanya'da son teknoloji kalite kontrol cihazlarımız ile yerimizi aldık ve sektördeki liderliğimizi bir kez daha gösterdik!
Tanzanya Africa

GRAINEX Africa 2024, the leading grain industry event in Africa, once again brought together the latest innovations and leading companies in the sector. The event stood out as a platform showcasing the latest developments and products in grain processing, storage, logistics, and technology. Among this year's participants was local laboratory equipment manufacturer Bastak Instruments.

Bastak Instruments, at GRAINEX Africa 2024, attracted attention by introducing the latest technological developments and innovations in the industry. The company's booth offered visitors a wide range of high-quality devices used in grain processing and analysis. With its expert staff, Bastak Instruments presented visitors with a comprehensive range of specially designed laboratory equipment to meet the needs of food producers.

One of the standout products from Bastak Instruments at GRAINEX Africa 2024 was the automatic gluten washing device used for quality analysis of grains. This device helps customers improve product quality by providing precise and reliable results. Additionally, Bastak's other laboratory equipment is designed to increase efficiency and improve product quality in the grain industry.

While leading innovations in the industry at GRAINEX Africa 2024, Bastak Instruments also emphasized its commitment to customer satisfaction and meeting industry standards. The company aims to maintain and expand its success in the grain industry by providing reliable and high-quality laboratory equipment to local and international customers.

The GRAINEX Africa 2024 event continues to shape the future direction of Africa's grain industry by bringing together leading players in the sector. The participation of pioneering companies like Bastak Instruments provides an important opportunity to showcase innovations and the latest technological developments in the industry.