
Uganda Cumhuriyeti 62. Bağımsızlık Yıldönümü | Ankara

Uganda Cumhuriyeti 62. Bağımsızlık Yıldönümü | Ankara

We celebrated Uganda's Independence Day with great enthusiasm! We extend our heartfelt thanks to H.E. Nusura Tiperu , the Ambassador of Uganda, for her gracious invitation to this special event in Ankara.

During the evening, We also had the pleasure of engaging in a delightful conversation about potential collaborations in the African agricultural sector with H.E. Yseen Ibrahim Ahmed, Ambassador of Iraq in Ankara; H.E. Majok Guandong, Ambassador of South Sudan in Ankara; H.E. Didace N Tureka, Ambassador of Burundi; and Mr. Paul AS Minah, Deputy Ambassador of Sierra Leone.

We are excited to continue strengthening our agricultural partnerships with the African continent and to work towards providing sustainable agricultural solutions!