
The export figure for Çorum's milling machines is 200 million dollars!

The export figure for Çorum's milling machines is 200 million dollars!

In a breakfast program organized by the Milling Sector and Machinery Manufacturers Association, Association President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, İsmail Alapala, and many industry representatives came together.

Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, President of the Milling Sector and Machinery Manufacturers Association, provided information about the economy, stating, "Our sector aims to reach an export figure of 4 billion dollars this year. One of the most important regions is Çorum. About 35% of our members are located in Çorum. That's why we held the regional consultation meeting in Çorum. Çorum is one of the cities where Anatolian lions, who contribute to Turkey's exports, are most concentrated. We attach special importance to Çorum, a city with an open vision and potential to become a global brand."

At the meeting, it was noted that Çorum's milling machinery export figure is approximately around 200 million dollars, making it the third city in Turkey in this regard. Demirtaşoğlu emphasized, "We believe that our country should also value this. We think that Çorum should be given some privileges in regional development. We believe that our industrialist friends, who have always supported the nation and the country at the center of Anatolia, should have easier access to credit, land allocation, and at least 10% interest support to continue their activities in the industry. A $4 billion export figure is a good number. The Milling Sector and Machinery Manufacturers Association alone accounts for nearly 25% of machine exports. I believe our friends should be aware of their own worth. I think what is very easy for them, such as building factories, might be astonishing to you. We believe that the valuable work we do should also be valued by the government."


Milling Sector and Machinery exporters are number one in the world. Therefore, state banks should provide special loans to our sector, and if the licensed warehouse institution provides the sector with a special 7.5-point interest support, which is already a significant added value, they should provide at least a 10-point interest support to this sector, which has much more added value. They should facilitate. As an association, we will do our part. Access to credit from Exim Bank should be facilitated. We want a branch in Ankara and cannot reach Istanbul. I think Exim Bank should be easily accessible to exporters. Because credit is the main support for exporters. In a period where expenses are increasing so much, industrialists cannot grow without credit support. They cannot increase employment and sustain their business.